Change Your Life with This One Simple “Habit”!

March 15, 2018 3 min read 3 Comments

Change Your Life with This One Simple “Habit”!

This one daily habit has probably had the most positive impact on my personal growth, spiritual growth and has contributed to most of the positive changes in my life.
It is so amazingly simple, that it’s almost hard to believe there’s any real value in doing it. It is so often overlooked and discounted because of its simplicity. If you’re not already doing it, I would highly recommend that you give it a try. Try it consistently for a month or two; the positive changes could have a huge impact on the quality of your life.
Our daily lives can get so busy; days can literally pass us by in the blink of an eye. When we are in the middle of busy and chaos, we often don’t even realize what we are missing out on. How then can we make sure the most important, most impactful tasks are getting our attention every day?

We track them!

We track the important tasks so they eventually become the habits that build positive change into our lives. They make our lives better! These are the habits that can and will have a positive impact on ourselves and our families. We make absolute certain that we CREATE time for those very few, most important things.

“That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.”
Karl Pearson

If you’ve ever kept a log or tracking chart for an area that you were trying to improve, you know this above quote to be true. The effect habit tracking can have on our lives borders on the miraculous. The bible says in Proverbs 18:15, “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.” The best way to learn and collect knowledge on what is and what isn’t working, is to track your tasks and track your results......period. You cannot make informative changes and adjustments if you don’t know what isn’t working.
This practice can truly transform your life; you just need to be intentional and be consistent.
Last week, I noticed there were a couple of gaps, a few areas that weren’t quite running as smoothly as they normally do. I pulled out my Prayerful Planner from last year (where I track just about everything) and was quickly able to pin point what had changed. I was then able to make a few adjustments and refocus, and within two days I was right back on positive track.

What exactly is a Habit Tracker?

It's a tool you can use to measure how often you’re accomplishing and completing certain tasks. They are great when we need to build and develop new positive habits around any area of our lives that we’d like to change or improve. Using trackers allows us to visually see where we are falling short.

How do we use a Habit Tracker?


  • First, identify a handful of tasks, chores, or behaviors that you want to change or improve
  • Pin point small behaviors you’d like to incorporate that align with your goals
  • Create a list and select 5-10 areas you’d like to track
  • Write these activities in the “Daily Habits” column of your Habit Tracker PDF (downloadable file below) or note them on the calendar page of your Prayerful Planner
  • Check off or color in the box each day of the month that you do that particular task
  • Assess your accomplishments weekly so you can make changes and adjustments as needed

The great thing about habit trackers is that you can customize them to your needs. You can include any habits you want to improve, change and need accountability.

What Are Some Habits We Can Track?

Working Out/ Exercise
Weight Loss
Clean Eating
Bible Study
Planning/ Tracking
Quiet Time
Date Nights
Fun/ Joy/ Happiness
Clients/ Customers
No eating out
No sugar
No soda
No spending

** Remember the quote above, if you want to increase or improve any area, track it! Need more rest, track it, more peace, track it, more joy, track it, more positivity, track it.....the list of things we can track is endless. Take some time to really think about a few areas you’d like to improve, make a list, keep it in a place you will see it many times throughout your day and then get started!

Download Your Habit Tracker Here!
I’d love to hear from you! Are you a “tracker”? What has been your experience? Share some of your tips in the comments, let’s all inspire and help each other reach our goals!! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you!

“Building better habits, leads to building and living a better life.”
Happy Tracking!

“Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones.” Luke 16:10 GNT

3 Responses

Kathryn Hyams
Kathryn Hyams

March 28, 2018

I didn’t see the PDF to download… Maybe I am not looking in right place. thank you
Kathryn Hyams


March 16, 2018

Jennifer, you and your anointing continue to amaze me! Such a simple and yet profound exercise to help to become the best us! I just printed off the tracker and plan to start tomorrow!! I am still using the prayer prompts daily and so here is another nugget! Thank you for sharing!!! Blessings…

Alysha Klees
Alysha Klees

March 15, 2018

I’m so glad you sent this! I was just thinking about how much better I did simply using my planner and the Top 3 Priority sections in January as opposed to sparadically using it the last 2 months. I started working out again, counting my glasses of water and wish to keep adding to my good habits. The tracker sheet is great! Thank you!

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